HPLC Introduction

The aim of this module is to give a brief history of liquid chromatography and compare and contrast high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with gas chromatography (GC). Liquid chromatography (LC) is explained, and the function of each component of the HPLC system discussed. The chromatogram is also introduced.

At the end of this unit you will be able to outline the main separation mechanisms used in HPLC, and explain the fundamental principles of separation. Also, you will be capable of highlighting the different modes of chromatography and explaining their uses and applications.

Topics include:

  • Why is chromatography so important?
  • Origins of liquid chromatography
  • The basics of how liquid chromatography works
  • Chromatography separation mechanisms
  • The liquid chromatographic system and Processes
  • The chromatogram
  • Why choose liquid chromatography?
  • Comparison with gas chromatography
  • Suitable samples for HPLC
  • Modes of chromatography
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